Thursday, August 23, 2012

I Am a Happy Blood Donor

As a kid, I remember my mom donating blood. I can picture a sticker on a window on our farm and it said, "I am a happy blood donor."  Sadly, after many years of donating, my mom's iron was too low and I think they prompted her to just give it up.  She was an inspiration.

When I was a young teacher in North Dakota, the high school at which I worked had a blood drive and way back in 1996 or so, I did my first blood donation.  I continued to donate when I moved to Grand Forks and then left it alone when we first moved to Phoenix.  Our church had a blood drive and that was my cue to start donating again in the early 2000's and now I do it on an on-going basis.  I used to do platelets but it made me feel pretty strange, so they've asked me to stop doing that.  Now I stick to Power Red or Whole Blood.

So. My point:  Today I went to do my blood donation and during my intake I was informed that I had reached the TWO GALLON mark!  I gave a polite "Hmm." and didn't think much of it.  The nice intake lady informed me that I get a pin for that milestone.  Then informed me that my hemoglobin was too low to donate the Power Red would I like to do a whole blood donation.  My response:  "Sure! Do I still get my pin?"

I had an uneventful blood donation and while scheduling my next appointment asked the gal for my pin - and noted that I never received my one gallon pin....I also commented that I thought my brother (Garth) had just received his FIVE gallon pin recently.  She one-upped me by saying she had a client recently get his TWENTY gallon pin.  OK, that milestone is a long time away for me - but what an inspiration!  I happily collected my two pins and am scheduled to donate on October 18.  Anyone care to join me?!
Sidenote:  Carolyn and Elyse joined me at the blood bank today. They love hanging out there for many reasons:  great snacks, a TV and for Carolyn: a quiet place to read or do her homework.  She said, "I can't wait until I'm 16 and can donate blood."  We suggested to Elyse that that would be a WAY COOL way to celebrate her 16th birthday.  It's nice to know I am inspiring my girls to do this selfless deed as my mom inspired me. 
Save a life:  donate blood!

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