Thursday, December 27, 2012

Fremont Street

We've heard of The Fremont Street Experience for many years but we have never ventured down there.  We had spent one evening wandering the Strip:  saw the lights, watched the fountains, took our know, the usual.  We were determined to check Fremont Street off the list of 'must do's' this trip, so away we went.  We decided it was more colorful than the Strip and we had a lot of fun people watching.  We had to wait until the tribute to Queen came up at 10:00....we were all (Elyse is always the most vocal in her impatience...) growing a bit impatient during the wait but thankfully we found a twenty-four hour Starbucks and that bit of warmth and caffeine subdued us enough to manage the wait -- the wait for a very diappointing Queen tribute.  We agreed that the only reason we'd go back is to do the zip-line.
Carolyn delivers the milk....

Scott's wish granted:  24 hour Starbucks.

Elyse is done for the night....waiting impatiently for Queen.

A bar just for Scooter's 46th Birthday.
Happy Birthday, my dear!

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