Thursday, December 27, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

This was the 15th Annual Mielke Family Thanksgiving Dinner.  I love hosting Thanksgiving Dinner and after fifteen years, I feel like I sort of have it down.  It's really quite an easy party to host:  the menu rarely changes (although I suggest a taco bar every year - and every year my family shoots it down), the guest list varies only slightly (we always have room for more), and there's always entertaiment (good or bad - it's always entertaining).  This year did not disappoint. We welcomed a new member to the Thanksgiving fold: Jayken made his Thanksgiving debut and enjoyed being passed from person to person.  We had a rousing game of croquet at the park and we enjoyed a bonfire in the backyard where we were entertained by Garth and Gert figuring out their phones.

Elyse was in charge of caramel corn.

Carolyn scrubbed potatoes.

Mike set up the croquet game.

Elyse and Mike were the croquet winners.

Cousins:  Jill, Jake, Carolyn, Joan

Gert and Garth:  far too young to look this old.
I loved the matching glasses-on-the-nose look.

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