Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


Carolyn has been singing with Phoenix Children's Chorus for four years.  Part of the training/practice is theory class.  Carolyn enjoys theory and does well in the class. This year she was chosen by her teacher to receive the Outstanding Theory Student Award.  If you look way back in this blog, you might notice that she has received this award before (if I remembered to write about it) -- in fact, this is the third year in a row that she has achieved this award -- always from a different teacher, so it's not like she's a teacher's pet.
Carolyn toured with PCC to San Francisco in June.  You'll have to read her blog for news on that.
Carolyn also loves to read.  Every summer since she was old enough to read, she has participated in the library's summer reading program. Last year, you might remember, she entered a photo contest and won 2nd place: a $50 gift card. 
This year Carolyn jumped right in to the reading program. It's so much easier this year because she can do her reading and submit it on-line, then go to the library to pick up her prizes. I honestly don't know much about the program this year - but she frequently is riding her bike to the library and comes home with a prize (can we say Chipotle gift card?!).  I was as surprised as she was when I got a call telling her she'd won a drawing for a Barnes and Noble gift card.  What's not to love about reading?!

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