Saturday, October 6, 2012

Bike Preparation

Before we came up to Grandma and Grandpa's, Elyse had asked if there was a bike here she could ride. Of course she has cousins here and they have left an assortment of bikes in G&G's garage.  She chose one (the purple one) that would work and we loaded it into the back of Grandpa's yellow pickup and we took it to the Cenex station to pump up the tires.  It was very cold this morning and Elyse did not have 'appropriate dress'...but we managed.  As we were 'working' Elyse whispered to me, "Mom, why does Grandpa say 'damn' before every word?"  I could only shake my head and suggest she ask Grandpa that question!  Now she has a bike to ride and she managed to cruise around the block like I used to do when I would visit my Grandma and Grandpa - in this same house.

Hold onto your hat!
It was windy.

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