Saturday, October 6, 2012

Morning Run

I am trying to keep my body on Arizona time so that would mean I would be up between 6:30 and 7:30 a.m. ND time to do my morning walk/run.  I rolled out of bed about 9 a.m. (so much for that!) yesterday morning and was determined to go for a run despite the fact that it was about 30 degrees outside. T&N did not hold much faith in me either, but as I say, "the weather is always perfect as long as you're appropriately dressed."  and I was appropriately dressed:  running tights, socks and shoes, ear warmer, thermal, shirt, sweatshirt, tucked in my bra...and off I went!  I think the park down by the river is so pretty in the fall and I know I have pictures of us down there when my girls were really small. I love the contrast of colors in the river and the yellow grass and the clear blue sky. I appreciated the fresh (cold) clean air to breathe as I ran (and I was breathing a lot!) and just the general beauty of New Rockford all around me. 
James River and Buchlie Bridge.
Somewhere in front of all that grass was a critter:
maybe a muskrat, a river rat, a beaver...otter?
I couldn't tell and it jumped in the water as I got too close.

Itook this picture to send to Scooter and he said,
"Can you pick it and bring it back?!"

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