Saturday, October 6, 2012

Grandma's Curlers

I remember my mom putting her hair in curlers when I was a kid. I never learned to do that - if you know my hairstyle, it is very obvious I never learned any hair styling techniques!  We found Grandma's curlers last night and Elyse asked if I would put them in her hair and I said, "Sure!"  She sat patiently as I rolled. I rolled until we ran out of curlers - and Elyse has a lot more hair than Grandma ever did.  Elyse was not patient enough to sleep in the curlers, but lasted until her hair was pretty much dry.  I tried to explain that the curls would all be lost as she slept and she assured me we could just re-do the curlers tomorrow. 

curlers in...

curlers out...

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