Saturday, October 6, 2012


Elyse's favorite spot to visit in New Rockford is the bakery.  We ventured downtown yesterday and made several short videos which we then sent to her teacher and class at Heritage Elementary.  It was fun to get the reply from her teacher saying, "We just watched it!"  It was fun to make the videos and I'm sure the people in the bakery thought we were just short of crazy.  We really should have interviewed some of those ladies having coffee...Elyse was really disappointed when we finally got to the bakery:  there were no donuts.  The coffee ladies scoffed at us and implied that everybody knows you have to get there early (it was 3 p.m.) if you want any donuts.  So we planned to get there early today.  Bakery opens at 7:00 a.m. and since it is then closed until Tuesday, it clears out fast.

I woke up about 8 a.m. and noticed the ground was white.  Snow!  I woke Elyse up and told her we needed to get going to the bakery and that there was snow on the ground. Her reply:  "Best day ever!"  It really was a great morning:  snow on the ground and plenty of donuts at the bakery.

A full bakery case = one happy Elyse.
Elyse says, "This is so much better than Albertson's!"
Not a lot of snow...but enough that the ground and rooftops were white.

I had to find a scraper in Grandpa's pick up....
and as I scraped the car I said to myself,
"This I do not miss."

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