Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Sewing with Susette

Tuesday Elyse and I went to New Rockford's quilt shop. If anyone reading this is a quilter, I highly encourage you to make a trip to visit this place. I am not a quilter or a sewer - OK, I did make those quilts this summer - but I am not this kind of quilter. Wow. Susette convinced me I could make something called a "Ten Minute Table Runner." So I bought a couple of those kits and another kit that looked easy.  Elyse and I packed up and headed to the farm for an evening of Sewing with Susette.

Elyse was quite excited to begin these projects as well since she had picked out fabric to match her room.  She also loves to iron, so she was in charge of ironing stuff. She only dropped the iron three times. I cringed because I didn't want her to break Susette's iron; Susette cringed because she didn't want Elyse's toes to get burned.  And so we sewed....

Susette is a very patient teacher.

This is one of Elyse's finished projects.

I started my 'ten minute' project and set my timer on my watch. I had to re-set it three times - ten minutes, my foot!  By the third project, I had it down to ten minutes.  I held up my work for Susette to inspect and we both realized I had sewn it wrong - only the final it took me fifteen. Anyway, we have some cute runners to put on our table at home now.

Now...about that 'other project' I picked up.  I found a nice kit that said, "Everything you need included. Backing included." There was a stack of squares already cut in the package and I thought, "Well cutting is half the battle. If all I have to do is sew these babies together, I can do that."  I got to Susette's and she looked it over. OH!  Evidently I still have to choose which pieces to put where and they have to be cut to certain sizes.  Evidently their idea of a pattern is very different than my idea of a pattern!  So Susette cut and pinned and handed pieces to me to sew. I only had to rip out one seam and in the end, we ended up with this:

If you could see this for real, you would notice
how perfectly my seams and corners line up.
Except for one side...
So after all that sewing and piecing, Susette says, "Now you have to decide how you want to quilt it."  I am thinking, "Can't we just be done with this?!"  So now I still have to add the backing and the border to it...I hope Susette comes to Arizona to visit soon. I will have a project for her.

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