Wednesday, October 10, 2012

No deer playing...just cows

Where has our week gone?!  Elyse and I go back to Arizona tomorrow after a very nice week of relaxing and playing in North Dakota.

Saturday I went to the farm to pick up Elyse and my dad's parting words were, "Drive _____ slow. Look out for the ____ deer." or was it, "______ drive slow.  There are a lot of ____ deer."  I am actually it was just, "Drive slow. Look out for deer."  And so I did. And I saw deer, but unlike the buffalo, they are not willing to stand still for picture. So I just drove slow and watched them bound across the fields. I also saw some pheasant...or were they grouse?  Anyway, they were not robins!  Elyse had a nice day with her cousins at the farm and I got to visit with Susette.

Sunday was a beautiful day spent watching the 'Super Bowl' for little boys' football.  It was fun - and Teddy's team won. Best part:  the post game tailgate.  Nothing better than a North Dakota potluck - somebody up here managed to make the best pan of scotcheroos I have had in a long time!  The weather was sunny and cool - perfect day to watch football outside.  I drove T&N around town after the game and I am still amazed that they (N) can tell me who lives or used to live in nearly every house in town.  I failed to get sympathy from anyone when I pointed out just how far I used to walk to and from piano lessons.

Monday I went for my morning run and didn't encounter much...I took a different route and got to see a different part of the river. Not very exciting - but the key is: I was running.

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