Thursday, December 27, 2012

Feats of Strength

We all participated in the annual Bean Bag Game and Washer Game at the Magnusons.  I know that my team was eliminated early and I don't know if the tournament disbanded before it was finished or if we left before it was done.  It was a good time at the Magnusons.  We all agreed it was the coldest Christmas ever:  so cold we could not have dinner outside for the first time in years.

Alex and Elyse
Team name:  Alyce

Carolyn and Jake
Team name:  Cake

Steve and Zona
Team name:  Stona

Ted and Joan
Team name:  Jed

Mothers vs. Daughters:  Kim, Cathy, Gert, Jill
Kim and Jill;  Team name:  Kill
Cathy and Gert;  Team name:  Cert

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