Wednesday, December 26, 2012


Next to swimming, volleyball would be Carolyn's favorite sport.  She was very excited to be a part of her school's 'training team' - the "Little Eagles" as they were called.  As part of the training team, they (mostly 6th graders) got to practice with the team (7th and 8th graders) and do everything with them - except play the games.  Carolyn's coach is really awesome and does a great job of building a strong TEAM. They spent an entire Saturday doing team building:  jumping off tall poles and climbing stuff...they (we) also got to go to an ASU volleyball game.  The training team was responsible for line judging and keeping stats at games. It was a fun season. 

The Little Eagles played one game and I think they even won.  Carolyn was voted 'most improved server' at the end of the season.

Carolyn's on the far right.

Elyse and her friend, Evan, cheered loudly at every game.

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