Monday, July 1, 2013

Easter 2013

First, I apologize for totally slacking on this blog for so long.  I tend to do that in everything - fall far behind because, well, life happens -- then spend a day or two getting totally caught up, and vowing to never fall that far behind again.  We'll see.
So let's go back to March 31 and wish everyone a Happy Easter!  A few days before Easter, my creative sister, Beth, sent out an Allmaras Family Scavenger Hunt Challenge to the family.  It listed several things to do and we were instructed to submit our pictures to her and there would be prizes issued. I was so disappointed that neither of my girls even wanted to participate.  Well I did - so I made them be my photographer.  Beth put together a book, winners were named (not the Mielkes) and we all had a lot of laughs about the whole thing.  I look forward to next year's challenge and vow to do better.

My mom's 82nd birthday was April 2.
Challenge:  Mail or deliver a birthday card to Mother.

The Mielke family in their finest Easter bonnets.
Challenge: take a picture of your family in their Easter bonnets.

Where could that egg be?
Challenge:  have an Easter egg hung with your family.
Annie was with me on this one....

I found the egg!

Elyse did the egg hunt too.
She found LOTS of eggs.

Challenge:  take a picture with a bunny.

Carolyn coloring eggs.
Challenge:  color eggs with your kids.

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