Thursday, July 4, 2013

June 17 - Group Pictures

Mother's funeral was on Monday, June 17.  I am so disappointed that in all the gathering times we had, we did not get one big group picture of all of us.  All 50+ of us.  There are 10 of us kids + spouses;  there are 30 grandchildren + spouses and 9 great-grandchildren.   We were happy that some of our cousins from afar were able to join us as well.

Nine of us - we kids are arranged (boys/girls) oldest to youngest:
Garth, Roger, Daddy, Linus, Dominic
Louise, Beth, Alison, Gert, Zona
missing:  Arthur
Adam, Jayce, Ben, Jon, Josh, Eric, Steve, Ted
Craig, Adam, Jake, Matt, Bryce, Teddy
missing:  Dexter
Kim, Lindsay, Joan, Sarah, Katie, Jill, Kelly, Brittany (and Isla)
Renelle, Rebecca, Rachel, Casey, Elyse, Danielle
missing:  Carolyn

I think I have 29 cousins on my dad's side.

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