Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Solana Beach - Boogie Boarding

May 26 - June 1
We welcome any opportunity to go to SoCal, so when we landed a timeshare week, in Solana Beach, we were there!  Kari and Greg left on Sunday, so Elyse and Scooter headed over to Solana Beach.  Carolyn still had PCC rehearsals so we flew over on Tuesday and absolutely enjoyed the rest of our week at the beach.  Our condo was across the street from the beach, so it was easy to get there nearly every day. I can finally admit I love the ocean, now that I know how to enjoy it.  I love going there with an umbrella and a good book....and now a boogie board. Carolyn and Elyse got very good at boogie boarding and tried their best to make me good at it too....but I'm not there yet. It was a lot of fun being fun parents in the water with our girls.
Carolyn, Dad, and Elyse

The water was great - it's really not that cold once you go numb!

Carolyn, Elyse and Mom ready to hit the waves!
Elyse really has some of the best moves in the water....

But Mom certainly tries to keep up.

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