Tuesday, July 2, 2013

And This One Time....at Band Camp....

Kari and I met while working at 'band camp' - actually, it was the International Music Camp.  We met when both of us were just starting our teaching careers, we were young, single and very carefree. Oh those were good times.  There was a group of us that worked there for a  few summers - all in the same situation of being young, mostly single, and new music teachers....we'd keep in touch and get together now and then throughout the school year and generally just had a really good time. Now twenty years have passed and we still keep in touch. We've seen each other get jobs, change jobs, move, get married, have families....I look forward to the time when our whole IMC gang can get together again. It's been too long.
Kari and Greg have been to visit us a couple of times since we moved to Phoenix - I have even tried to convince them to move here more than once..but they insist on staying in Minnesota.  So until we can enjoy the carefree lifestyle of retirement, we will have to maintain our friendship via phone, text and Facebook. It was fun to see Kari and Greg in person over Memorial Day.

Kari and I have enjoyed many drinks together during our friendship!

Grace enjoyed time in the pool with my girls.
What Minnesota girl doesn't think it's cool to have a pool in the backyard?
Kari and Greg are Elyse's godparents.

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