Saturday, March 15, 2014

Happy Pi Day

After looking around on Facebook on March 14, I realized it was "Pi Day".  My niece, KT RAMZ, once mentioned that she went on a field trip to Village Inn on Pi Day when she was in high school....funny how different people 'celebrate' the day:  math jokes, eating pie..... I mentioned it to Carolyn and she immediately suggested making a pie. Thankfully I had a pie crust in the freezer and lemon meringue it would be.  Now, just take a look back at this blog and surely you'll find a post somewhere of me making a lemon meringue pie with my dad - it's something we do every time I go home. Lemon meringue pie is one of my dad's favorite desserts.  I remember making my first lemon pie and having to call my mom for really is a two person job - and really rather a pain in the neck!  But it tastes really we continue to make them.

SO!  Carolyn is going to make her first lemon meringue pie and I immediately turned into my mother:  'you have to mix the hot mixture into the eggs - not the other way - or you'll have scrambled eggs'.  'You have to work quickly' ....'do it like this'....oy.  Now I know (again) why my mother kicked us out of the kitchen when she was baking - and also why she didn't make lemon pies very often!  Carolyn also learned the value of reading the entire recipe before starting.... well, no matter how much I yelled reminded her of how to do things   and she rolled her eyes, the pie turned out wonderfully and I wished that my dad was here to help. He is really good at making the meringue.  

Try to explain 'you don't SPREAD meringue'....

nice stiff peaks on that meringue


That is a beautiful pie (pi).
I also baked a bunch of zucchini bread that day and when that many egg shells and lemons go down the garbage disposal...well....we're bound to have a clogged sink.  Carolyn learned to make a pie;  Elyse learned how to use a plunger.

This is Elyse's art work for the day.

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