Thursday, October 4, 2012

Arriving in Minot and visiting Mom's Alma Mater

We landed safely in Minot - right on time and after a wonderfully smooth flight.  We got our rental car and were ready to explore. I was a bit panicked - I hadn't been to Minot in over 10 years and so much has changed! I realized how close things were to the University - and how much I missed whenI was in college. To quote one of my favorite musicals (Avenue Q):  "I wish I could go back to college..." and from the same show, "I wish I had taken more pictures..."

After driving around everywhere trying to get to the one legal place to park (the Dome), we arrived.  We tried to get into my freshman dorm:   Cook Hall (I chuckled when I realized it was Elsie Cook Hall...anyone remember the Elyse/Elsie year?!).  We convinced a nice young freshman girl to open the door for us but she wouldn't let us in to see my room (2P) because they aren't supposed to let people in...and there was no RA on duty.  I had to commend the girl for observing safety rules. So I had to settle for a picture outside the building.

Next we went through Harnett Hall. I explained to Elyse that 'back in the day' we had to go up all these steps to the third floor for 12:00 noon choir rehearsal. Every day. 

Room 316:  Music Theory and Sight Reading.
I made up many new solfegge syllables of my own in that room!

Room 301:  Choir rehearsal
Loved singing in that room.
Loved singing in choir at MSU.

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