Thursday, October 4, 2012

More Alma Mater

After Hartnett Hall we crossed the breezeway (and quickly remembered how cold that wind tunnel is!) into Old Main. To say the music department has changed in the last 20 years would be an understatement! I didn't recognize the place - or many names.  We wandered around and everyone was very helpful, "Can I help you find something?"  I was sad I couldn't drag Elyse up to the fourth floor where I used to practice.  She was winded from the three floors we climbed at Hartnett! Instead, we went to the front of the building:
Old Main
The "Normal School" Bench.

I said "OK, now do something not so normal."
I was expecting a funny pose or face...guess I got both?!

Dakota Hall
My room was the second window above the bush on the right.
Again, we couldn't get in to see my old room.

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