Saturday, October 6, 2012

Mom's Favorite Bakery

Elyse likes going to the bakery downtown. I like going to Grandma's bakery just down the stairs. Elyse had asked Grandma to show her how to make bread. Well, G-ma had it all mixed up before we got out of bed (go figure) and then shooed us out of her way as she was doing most of the work. We watched and learned from a distance - but we learned!  Grandma made cinnamon rolls (she let Elyse stir the carmel), kuechen (I am not sure how that is spelled - but Elyse and Grandpa were allowed to arrange the apples just so) and then Elyse and I got to fry some bread into long johns and doughnuts.  Grandma was not keen on letting us do it - especially Elyse - because the grease (lard!) is so hot.  She said she used to make me go sit on the steps when I was a kid. I can't imagine me ever being in her way when I was little!  ANYWAY, my mom was a better mom for protecting me;  I let Elyse put the stuff in the grease.  And neither of us got hurt.  The finished product was very tasty, by the way!



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