Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Elyse's Scratches and Scrapes

Elyse has been ice skating for a couple of years now and has whizzed right through her Basic Levels. She's now on to Freeskate which will involve more jumping and twisting.  She loves it - and when we suggest hockey...she says no. :(  She's really love to speed skate - if you spend any time with Elyse, you know she does not do anything slowly, so hockey or speed skating would be right up her alley!  ANYWAY, when Elyse is not on the ice, she roller blades around the house and up and down the street.  She took a couple falls last month:

Who doesn't love a good bruise?!

Just a scrape

This is pretty tame.
She has since gotten a 'better' one on her knee
and is thoroughly enjoying picking the scab.
That's my girl!

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